From the PTA

We have opted to be rather quiet this term and let everyone settle in and get to grips with home schooling and through the 37 weeks of January, but we are hoping to do another epic John Betts quiz after half term. We do have a few things to mention before then.

STEM Week – next week is STEM week and a bit of a change from the usual home schooling. Information should have been circulated from your Reps so if you have any questions speak to them.

Uniform – though we may not be wearing it at the moment we are hopefully going to be needing this soon and it will be up on the PTA website in the next couple of weeks. Please can we ask that you stop leaving things outside the office door as we have no idea who it’s from and often, that it’s there at all, and it just sits there for weeks.

Art Competition – all children and adults are invited to create an artwork using your choice of medium. The best submissions from each Key Stage will be submitted to the Royal Academy Young Artist summer exhibition. Canvases are available at school for £3 if you call the office you can pick them up from your class drawer outside in the front playground. The deadline for this is Friday 19th March.

JB mugs are still available on the PTA website and keep your eyes open for Easter Mug gift sets available soon. There are still some calendars available and they are now on sale! For those of you struggling to remember what happens when (me) or who feel like your children are constantly asking you what is happening next it’s a great way to keep track of Assembly’s, Teacher Clinics and all important PE with Patch.

House t-shirts will be coming soon. These will be a once-only order so when you see information about these come out – get ordering!

The Parents of John Betts Facebook group is up and running and a great place to keep in touch but also if you have anything you want to sell with all proceeds going to JB PTA upload your pictures there, with a price and hopefully someone will snap it up. Payment is done via donation to the JB Justgiving page, send a screenshot of the donation to the seller.

As always, we welcome any donations on our Just Giving page and anyone who fancies raising money for the John Betts PTA you can go to our Just Giving page and click ‘Raise Money for this Charity’ in the top right-hand corner.

A huge thank you to the school for arranging the packed lunches for those who have requested them (KS1 these are free for you so if you would like them please contact the school office) and to those volunteers who pack them up and hand them out. And to the class reps who are keeping everyone up to speed with home learning questions, teacher messages and Google Meet log-ins – you are superstars!

We hope you are all safe and well and we can be back to school soon


No more lost property


Merry Christmas from the PTA